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Mt Carmel Church

Writer's picture: StraightLine ConstructionStraightLine Construction

Southern Colorado

  • Project Type: Additional Capacity & Renovation

  • Division: Commercial

  • Service: Micropiles & Rock Anchors, Shotcrete, Soil Nails & Tie-Backs

Innovative design and construction methods were required to construct a new walkout basement beneath the 1907 Mt. Carmel church, a masonry structure with an unreinforced sandstone block foundation, and a basement link to a new Music Hall.

The first phase was to construct a temporary soil nail shoring to allow for excavation of the addition. The wall was 16-22 feet tall, with 3-5 rows of soil nails installed 15-20 feet into the bank. A four inch shotcrete face was placed over the bank.

Phase II involved stabilizing and reinforcing the sandstone block foundation by through bolting channel steel to the sides and placing a shotcrete wall on both sides to allow the foundation to span underpinning elements.

During phase III, continuously grouted 38mm diameter bar was placed in 3.5” guide sleeves and on into bearing strata on a six foot spacing. The underpinned structure was then undermined in sections and new footings and basement walls were installed by the general contractor.

ACEC LogoThe project received an Engineering Excellence Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Colorado.


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