Concrete Slab Lifting
Mud jacking, commonly referred to as concrete leveling or slab-jacking, is used to deal with the effects of settlement in concrete slabs used for driveways, porches, and sidewalks. If your concrete is sinking, the slab may have been placed on under-compacted dirt or there may be a factor such as sub-surface erosion or shrinking soils at work.
Mud jacking involves drilling a hole through the concrete and injecting a specially designed grout mixture under the slab. This mixture consolidates the soil, fills any potential voids, and raises the slab. Despite being a common repair in the upper Midwest for many years, mud jacking should only be attempted by professionals. In order for mud jacking to work properly, the technician performing the work must be experienced and have the proper equipment.

Benefits of Mud Jacking
Utilizing compaction grouting can help correct the following issues:
It’s a green repair since it reduces the amount of concrete sent to landfills.
It can be done in nearly any weather conditions.
There is close to zero damage to landscaping.
Nothing needs to be moved since the pump can lift the slab and other loads on top of it
Example of Combining Compaction Grouting and Mud Jacking

If a front porch has sagged over time due to loose backfill behind the basement walls, Straight Line Construction can mitigate the settlement issue by performing this process:

Drill holes through the slab and drive grout pipes through the holes into the loose soil. Pressure pump grout to displace and compact the surrounding soil until it is stabilized.
Lift the sagging slab by pumping low mobility grout just below the surface until the slab returns to as close to its original elevation as possible.
Fill any remaining void spaces with a higher mobility grout to prevent future cracking or settlement. Patch holes and clean work area, leaving little evidence of the work performed.